Introduced in 2018, the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Integrated Lens-Based Media in the School of Film & Photography combines the best of our film and photography programs and provides students with an intensive, interdisciplinary course of study in cinematic and photographic media. The BFA in Integrated Lens-Based Media prepares students to pursue graduate study and for careers as highly-trained artists.

Students apply for admission to the BFA in the spring of their sophomore year, after completing a prescribed sequence of foundational courses in the production, analysis, and history of film and photography. Admission into the program is competitive, and is limited to students who have already been admitted into either the Film or Photo option at the conclusion of their freshman year. Students admitted into the program are assigned two advisors – one photographer and one filmmaker – with whom they design a customized curriculum for the final two years of the degree that that culminates in the creation of comprehensive, interdisciplinary capstone project.

Please note:  Those accepted into the program after the freshman year will be required to purchase a Macintosh laptop computer that meets the specifications of the department by the fall semester of their sophomore year. Students will be notified of these specifications upon a successful portfolio review outcome in May.

Student Work

The BFA program requires students to complete 2 senior capstone projects. Students may choose between a combination of the Film senior capstone and the Photo senior capstone or may take either capstone class twice. To see previous BFA student capstone projects, please visit our BFA Student Work website

The Curriculum

While the BA program offers the opportunity to explore either Film or Photography, BFA students have the opportunity to choose classes from the Film and Photography tracks. With unlimited combinations, students have the freedom to specialize their education. 

To view the current cirriculum for the BFA in Integrated Lens-Based Media, please visit the Undergraduate Program website